Governance of the FutureFoodS Partnership

The governance of the FutureFoodS Partnership is structured to ensure transparency, inclusiveness, and alignment with European Union (EU) policies. The governance framework is designed to coordinate diverse stakeholders, including public and private entities, policy makers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and citizens across various levels from local to global.

Key governance bodies include:


Governing Board (GB)

The central decision-making body responsible for the overall strategic direction of the Partnership. The European Commission, represented by DG-RTD, is a member of the GB, contributing to discussions on EU policy alignment.


Call Board (CB)

This is the decision-making body for all aspects related to the practical implementation and follow-up of the concerned Joint Transnational Call. It will be supported by the Call Office (CO).


Ethical, Regulatory, and Deontology Advisory Board (ERDB)

An independent body that ensures adherence to ethical standards, regulatory compliance, and deontology principles. This board plays a crucial role in reviewing selected projects for ethical concerns, advising on GDPR compliance, and preventing conflicts of interest.


Management Board (MB)

This board manages the day-to-day operations and ensures effective communication among consortium members. It also supports the organization of meetings and the distribution of information across all governance levels.


Scientific & Stakeholder Advisory Board (SSAB)

Comprising experts from various fields, the SSAB provides scientific guidance and ensures that the Partnership's activities remain relevant and impactful.


EU Food Systems Executive Board (FSEB)

This board focuses on implementing and monitoring the defined actions according to the established work plans, performing the R&I activities and establishing an interface between science and policy.


Steering Committee (SteerComm)

This committee focuses on aligning the Partnership's activities with national priorities and ensuring that the Partnership's actions do not conflict with national food systems programs.