Consortium members

The future health of the European people and the planet lies on our plate. Horizon Europe’s Cluster 6 2023-2024 work programme aligns with key EU and world policies and strategies on food systems. The EU-co-funded project FutureFoodS, created under the Horizon Europe work programme, aims to mobilise European research and innovation to accelerate the transition from linear food chains towards circular food systems, functioning within planetary boundaries. This includes current types of production, processing, distribution, and consumption. A wide range of stakeholders joins forces to build a sustainable, inter-connected and territorialised European food system in 2050 and beyond. FutureFoodS brings together 86 partners from 29 countries including national and regional authorities, funding agencies, universities, research institutes, foundations, competitiveness clusters.

Coordination team

This partnership is coordinated by Agence Nationale De La Recherche (ANR), France.

And Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE), Germany as Deputy Coordinator.